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To learn how to do your own card readings, please follow the instructions below. If you have not read my section titled "about card science", you may want to do that. It explains my theories on how card readings work.

To do a reading for any personal questions, for you or yourself, or a general future reading, follow these instructions:

Take a deck of regular playing cards, and shuffle. Concentrate on your question. Then, whenever you are ready, draw your cards from anywhere in the deck. For a regular question, draw one card, then re-shuffle for the next question.

For a general future reading, draw five cards. It is important to note the correct order you draw them in-- first to last. The first card is the past, probably more than a year ago. The second is the recent past. The third is the present. The fourth is immediate future. The fifth is the future, probably several months to a year away.

Most questions can be answered with one card per question. Occasionally, I will have a person draw three cards for a questions, to give me a better idea of what may be required to answer that question.

You can find definitions to each card, to use for your card readings, by clicking the following link:


If you would like to purchase a reading from me, please do the following additional steps: Write down your question and the card you drew for each question-- you are going to email me with this information, by clicking the "contact" link on the menu.

The purchases below tell you the options for paid readings- how many questions, or combinations of readings. Just click the picture for all the details, which will pop up in a seperate window. Life Spread readings, the 'energy recipe' that makes up who you are, are listed below. Also included are two person readings, but you must know both people's birthdays.

For two person readings, email me with your information-- Birthday(s), First and Last Name, and then the name of the person(s) the reading is for, along with your questions and the cards you drew-- and I will email you back. Give me three to five days to answer.

Thanks, and blessings...


Card Definitions

I will first define the face value of each card. This will be followed by a general definition of each suit. You combine these two parts to get a definition for your card, and an answer for your questions.


Aces are the starters, the people who get things going. Aces represent new beginnings, or new desires or ideas. Aces have a certain freshness to them. On the low side, Aces seldom represent people who finish, or tendencies to finish things. They can be loners, or seem self-centered. The independence of the Ace is necessary—as a “one”, it must push itself out of the great unlimited Zero. It is the definitive choice to be what it is, despite any objections. It is a solitary soldier, standing alone after a fight, and a newborn babe, at the same time.


Twos are the partnership, the union, the coming together of two “ones” so that they may be stronger and more stable together. It is the leaving behind of the loneliness of “one”. On the low side, Twos can be afraid of slipping back to being alone as a “one”. They can be codependent and needy as they seek to maintain their newfound stability and togetherness.


Threes are the number that breaks out of “two”. On the high side, they are social—the partnership of “two” now has a third, and has become a party! On the low side, there is worry and indecision involved in a “three”—the stability of “two” has been changed—“oh no, what will happen next?”

Three is also commonly associated with creativity—a reference to the Christian concept of the Original Creative Spirit, or God, as a Trinity. Because creativity is classically defined in the Greek word that “inspiration” is derived from, “inspiros”, creativity and inspiration have been defined as “the Original Creative Spirit breathing, or whispering, into someone’s ear”. Although this is a privileged situation that is seen as blessing by the recipient, those who observe might feel left out (worry) or unsure of where they now stand, since they are excluded (indecision).

As a personal aside, I have maintained since childhood that the Original Creative Spirit held certain ideas aside, just for me. The notion that there is an unlimited supply of fresh ideas, to be given to me, allows me to maintain a higher creative level—I never feel drained of it, as I didn’t think it came from me, in the first place. The concept that Creativity is an energy with a source, and can be tapped into at will, with the recipient drawing inspiration that is separate from themselves, but now added to themselves, is conveyed in most spiritual studies throughout recorded history.


Fours represent stability. The “three” has decided to opt for security, but instead of regressing to a “two”, it has added another, and formed a totally new formation that is twice as strong as the stability it formerly knew in it’s state as a “two”. “Four walls to a home” is one such representation, and the four corners of the Earth- East, West, North and South-- would be another. As such, Fours often deal with issues of the home. Stability and peace are represented, as the indecision and worry of the “three” has passed on to a higher form.

You will notice a constant in the numbers and cards—stability is sought, then as if a boredom sets in, stability is thrown away for something more exciting. The excitement wears off, and stability is desired again, but with growth instead of regression. The Odd numbers represent the excitement of something new, the Even numbers, a return to stability on an increasingly higher level.


As each stable even number begins to grow into the next odd number, there is an increasing amount of energy that is needed to break out of that stability and form the next number. This “breaking out” is never more intense than in the Five.

Fives represent divorce, change, and also travel. As “fours” represent the home, Five represents leaving the home, breaking one of the four walls and busting out. Fives create and exude a lot of energy-- to break out of a Four is not an easy job. There is an inherent restlessness with this number that often comes across as abrasive and negative.

Just like an actual divorce, it takes an inside perspective to understand the high side of the energy involved, and is often misperceived as 100% negative. The fact is that change is often difficult, especially from a strong stable place, and that the need for change can make a person seem like they have “cabin fever”, a malady that occurs in snowed-in occupants in mountainous areas. In this malady, the person who is snowed in for weeks or months, now sees the same cabin that protected them from freezing to death in a blizzard, driving them crazy with the endless monotony of its four walls! To the person inside, it can escalate to a need for frenzied escape, at any cost—but to the observer, this person can seem like a crazy person, destroying perfectly good stability.

Travel seems to be the music that “soothes the savage beast” in people who are Fives. The need for change can be satisfied by anything from long road trips to hiking in the woods—as long as it’s something different! Monotony is a burning Hell to these people, and they have all the energy you could ever imagine inside, at their fingertips, to help them “break down the walls” and escape.


Six is a special place in the “even numbers”. Six represents several things. First, because of the negative energies inherent in a “five”, Sixes represent the peace that is demanded by Karma. All accounts must be settled when Sixes are present—this is the way that “fives” become stable again, at a higher level. It has a demanding nature to it, both due to the energy of the “five” that must be overcome, and the fact that Six comes to us as the first directly spiritual number.

Sixes also represent the shift on the Universal Chart from the Life or Material World to the Spiritual Chart. Sixes represent Fate, as Fate is the Spiritual direction-changing force that reaches into contact with the Material World, and realigns it according to Spiritual priorities for the situation. It can seem abrupt, as if the Material World had it’s own agenda, and yet was suddenly re-routed. Depending on the energy that had previously dominated before Fate stepped in, it may be perceived as either positive or negative—but in fact, it is simply returning to a balanced state.


Sevens are the second spiritual number. In the Card Science, Seven is the middle number in the sequence of the 13 cards of each suit. In numerology, sevens have a distinctly spiritual quality that is positive, if dealt with from spiritual, positive viewpoints. In the Torah and the Bible, Sevens represent the Three of the Original Creative Spirit in contact with the Four of Creation. In the Cards, the actual pictures of the card tells the story—no matter what suit, there is the seventh symbol lying in between two rows of three symbols, and it is shifted to the lower half of the card. This represents that, if you deal with things from a low or material perspective, the symbol of the suit acts as a block in your path between the two rows. From a higher or spiritual perspective, the path is clear.

Sevens are an active positive spiritual force from the perspective of the influenced person, as compared to the more passive and automatically balancing nature of the “six”. Sevens require intent and motive. Because of this, Sevens are sometimes referred to as a number that leads a person to the truth that is inside of themselves—having entered the Spiritual as a “six”, and automatically becoming balanced through the Karma and Fate qualities of the “six”, Sevens are now free to make up their mind and decide where to go in this new-found Spiritual World. They are free to choose, but success only comes through spiritually high-minded practices. The rules are different here than in the Material World, and Sevens are the first lesson in these new rules. Sevens are like the first day in a new school where you learn how to succeed, whereas the “six” is like your mother cleaning your face before you go into the new school.


Eights represent the strength and power that is achieved as the “seven” practices positive spiritual practices. It represents a two-story tower, as compared to the “four” representing a home. The symbol for an Eight is the mathematical symbol for Infinity, turned to stand upright.

Strength and power, like all things, have a high side and a low side. The low side can represent stubbornness, or bully-like qualities, as power can go to one’s head or be abused. Eights exemplify this—the same person who maintains a good idea despite much temptation to digress can maintain a bad idea, no matter how skillfully they are persuaded that change is beneficial. The same strength that helps a person survive in difficult times can sometimes manifest as pushiness, or an overbearing nature.


Nines represent a completion of the first stage of the Spiritual World. Nines are like a person graduating from school—they are either disappointed about the things they are leaving behind, or they are excited about the new, unknown things that lie in front of them. And so, Nines have a crucial choice before them—to wallow in, or reject, negative thinking.

Nines have a superiority complex that permeates their attitudes, like a senior in high school has to the underclassmen that surround them. This superiority complex continues through all of the remaining cards in the deck. In fact, being the completion to the cycle, Nines are, in some ways, superior to the lesser cards, but the nature of the Spiritual World is that all of Creation is inferior to the Original Creative Spirit, and so squabbling about rank is simply foolishness. The lower numbers exude a more primary and less complicated energy from the Creator, and have an element of unrefined purity—the higher numbers are more refined and specific, but more complicated, and have more potential downfall, as after the “sevens”, the individual is forced to make decisions of free will that will create their eventual success or failure, relative to the issue involved. The lower numbers operate more instinctively in their personality traits—the higher have intent and motivation as mindful choices that affect their outcomes.

So Nines can represent the completion of a cycle, which can be positive, mature and confident, or disappointment-based.


Tens represent completeness or perfection. The cycle is finished with the “nine”, and now a new cycle is begun—one of assured mastery of the previous cycle.

On the low side, Tens can be demanding perfectionists. They can become very unsettled with continued exposure to imperfection, and very agitated when others do not appreciate their attempts to “perfect” them.

The Ten of Clubs, my birthcard, is called “the teacher card”, and like a teacher, I can become very negative around unwilling or unappreciative students. When I deny my pride and accept my role as a person who is better than others only at certain things, and only so that I can humbly share my knowledge and open up the closed doors in people’s minds that others cannot, I have peace and satisfaction in life.

It is important to note that there are four suits to the card science. When I say a Ten is perfection, that perfection is only relative to a certain segment of life. All people are a balance of strengths and weaknesses, and so the very strong, in one area, must by definition be very weak in some other area of life. The more obvious the strength, the more glaring the weakness, should you happen upon it.


The Jack is the privileged little prince of the royal family—having the flair and talent of the royal family, blended with a uniquely creative energy that can be genius-like in it’s quality. Likewise, like the privileged little prince, they can be a royal brat—deceitful at times, mischievous, more concerned with their present entertainment and the fulfillment of their needs than what is best for the situation. Like any young person of power, there is the capability for nobility and honor, or deceit and abuse of power.

The Jacks, in the card science, also represent one of two “personality cards” for men of any suit. The theory is that men have the choice to either act like a Jack or a King, immature or mature. Therefore, if you are any card of any suit, (for example Clubs) and you are a male, then you also choose to exude the energies of either the Jack or the King of that suit (in the example, you would choose to exude the energy of the Jack or King of Clubs).


Queens represent the qualities of women, as portrayed through their many roles throughout the history of society. Queens can be motherly and nurturing, they can represent organized and balanced leaders, and they represent a more intuitive sensing of the Spiritual World, or the areas that the card suits represent. In the Spiritual Spread, the Queen of Spades is the highest card, even though overall, the King of Spades is given that honor.

On the low side, Queens can be impatient and demanding. They can be high strung, as their sensitivity can become unbalanced and overly-sensitive. They can be given to excess more than other cards, as a Queen that has no area to rule over, and is left alone to fill up the hours of the day.

The Queen is also the personality card of any woman in any suit. Therefore, if you are any card of any suit, (for example Diamonds) and you are a female, then you also choose to exude the energies of the Queen of that suit (in the example, you would choose to exude the energy of the Queen of Diamonds).


Kings are the rulers, the most powerful card in any suit. They represent a mastery over the qualities represented each the card suit. On the high side, they represent wisdom, fairness, and complete capability. On the low side, they represent the highest abuses of power, the biggest bullies, the worst side of power incarnate.

The Kings, in the card science, also represent one of two “personality cards” for men of any suit. The theory is that men have the choice to either act like a Jack or a King, immature or mature. Therefore, if you are any card of any suit, (for example Clubs) and you are a male, then you also choose to exude the energies of either the Jack or the King of that suit (in the example, you would choose to exude the energy of the Jack or King of Clubs).

The term “personality card”, and the theories described about them, are from Robert Camp’s books on the Science of the Cards, “Love Cards” and “Destiny Cards”. You can read more about Robert's teachings, and purchase his books and software, at www.7thunders.com.



Hearts represent emotions, friendships and love. The Heart represents the first stage of life, when as a baby, we are surrounded by love from all.


Clubs represent thoughts, communication and intuition. The Club represents the second stage of life, when we develop our individual personalities and patterns of thinking and communicating.


Diamonds represent financial situations, jobs and money. The Diamond represents the third stage of life, when as adults, we begin to earn and accumulate wealth.


Spades represent spiritual matters, work and health. The Spade is a symbol of the shovel that digs the grave, and represents the final stage of life.

The Science of the Cards is an ancient form of science that has the power to assist you in your everyday life, no matter what religious or philosophical preference you may have. This science has remained buried in our culture, available through the common playing cards that everyone has enjoyed games with—who knew that the deck was actually a complex scientific diagram of the energies we embody as individuals, and exchange through our relationships?

But that is exactly what it is- the 52 cards representing the 52 weeks of a year, the 4 suits representing the four seasons, both of a year and your life, with Hearts being your infancy, surrounded by love, Clubs being the period of life when you gain knowledge and communication skills, Diamonds being the time when you enter the workforce and begin earning money, and Spades being the maturing of your interests into career, health and spiritual focuses. The Spade is actually the shovel that digs the grave! Additionally, the thirteen cards in a suit represent the 13 Full Moons of a year. Combined with the influences symbolized through classic western astrology, these cards form what has been known as the Life Spread and the Spiritual Spread, in systems handed down through ancient magi societies.

Each day of the year has an assigned card, and if you are born on that day, it is your 'birth card'. Each 'birth card' has a sequence of cards around it, in the order of the Life Spread, that makes a unique 'life spread' for each birth card. One of the readings available on my website is a detailed explanation of your birth card and life spread.

My birth card is the Ten of Clubs, which is called 'The Teacher Card'. Of course, that is why I have named this website 'TenOfClubs.net'.

Have you ever heard the phrase “quantum leap”? Many people have, due to the popular science fiction TV show by that name, starring Scott Bakula. But this is a scientific phrase that also explains why I accredit validity to card readings systems in general, and specifically the Science of the Cards.

To explain what the quantum leap actually is, I would ask you to create a mental image of an atom. An electron circles the nucleus of the atom. Imagine the electron as it spins in orbit around the nucleus.

Now, imagine that we are going to closely examine part of the electron’s orbit. First, let’s imagine a segment of time—and these examples will be for illustration sake only, they do not represent actual scientific values, but they do represent the actual scientific theory.

Let’s say that, in one second of time, the electron travels one inch. At the beginning of this second, the electron sits at the beginning of the inch. At the end of the second, it sits at the end of the inch.

The question is, when did it travel the inch?

Quantum physics states that the travel of this space is called “the quantum leap”. You see, no matter how much you subdivide the time and space—you can do a tenth of a second, and a tenth of an inch, or a hundredth of a second, and a hundredth of an inch- the electron can not exist in two spaces at the same time. It was in one place, now it is in another. Therefore, there is no true continuity of motion—the electron jumps from one place to another. That is the “quantum leap”.

This quantum leap, as the theory goes, creates an inherent vibration, like the vibrating string on a guitar. Our science is not advanced enough to assign a numerical value to this, like we might assign a number of a radio frequency to our favorite music station, or a channel number to our favorite TV station. But, in theory, it would be possible to assign a value to this vibration that would be unique to the described quantum leap.

Likewise, the combination of atoms—in a person, place or thing—would have a combination of vibrations that could be described, and assigned a value, like a chord would be described on a guitar. A musical chord is simply the assigned description of a certain combination of vibrations—in our example, of guitar strings.

I believe that the Original Creative Spirit fully understands all the sciences of this reality that it has created, including the one we are describing. Therefore, I believe that the Original Creative Spirit knows your personal “vibration”—the assigned values of all of your atoms as they undergo their quantum leaps.

Your personal vibration changes as you experience emotions, think certain thoughts, in every second of your existence. It is this personal vibration that enters into the cards as you shuffle them, that identifies who you are to the Original Creative Spirit. I believe that if you concentrate on one question at a time, your personal vibration includes that question into its makeup.

Because of this understanding, I believe that the Original Creative Spirit can use the Science of the Cards as a way of communicating to us, taking the question that you project into your personal vibration, and using the cards to communicate to us, the lesser creation who cannot understand the Original Creative Spirit’s higher ways, or more pure, spirit based communication, with reliable consistency. It’s similar to children’s Flash Cards, the teaching tool used to help understand basic teachings on math, vocabulary and other areas of learning.

When attempting to communicate to someone who does not speak the same language, some sort of primitive symbolism must be agreed upon. Whether educated people of differing cultures, or aboriginal people without written languages, this basic practice is the only known method that proves successful—and will remain that way, unless we all suddenly develop (or re-develop) telepathic powers that make words obsolete.

The Science of the Cards, therefore, would be the Original Creative Spirit’s version of Flash Cards, to use symbols to communicate with us, the lesser life form whose understanding is far less. Comparatively, aboriginal people would seem like Albert Einstein! There is far less difference between us and them, as compared to humanity and the Original Creative Spirit.

Likewise, I believe that another reason the Original Creative Spirit would use something like this is to protect us from deception by people who claim to have special access or answers from the Original Creative Spirit.

The Science of the Cards has solid definitions. This is essential, because this is how you know you are not being lied to, or manipulated. How does a person who does not have a lot of talent developed in hearing from the Original Creative Spirit, know that any person who claims they can (no matter what position or reputation they have), is not lying to them, manipulating them, or just plain wrong? Basically, it is impossible. You may think that you can go with your “gut feeling”, but how do you know it’s not just your mood, your biochemical state of the moment, or something you just ate?

The Original Creative Spirit knows that you needed protected, and that you need a security in this attempt to communicate with it. This is why I believe that the Science of the Cards is a great way for any person, regardless of religious or cultural beliefs, to communicate with the Original Creative Spirit for any purpose in their life.

To end this section on a lighter note, here are a few Card Science Facts:

There is only one Heart in the first six months of the year—it’s the King of Hearts, on the last day of the first half of the year, June 30th.

There is only one Spade in the second half of the year—it’s the Ace of Spades, July 1st, the first day of the second half of the year.

Some cards appear once a year, while others appear every month. What cards appear in every month? To calculate this, first note the order of the suits as they appear in the year: Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, and Hearts. They appear in descending order from the King. There are 13 cards in a suit.

Therefore, in January, the first two suits, Spades and Diamonds, are exhausted by the 26th—Clubs are next, so since there are 31 days in January, there must be 5 clubs in January—the top five: the King, Queen, Jack, Ten and Nine. Since they must appear in January to be in all 12 months, that’s the answer—at least, half of it. Even the short month of February is covered, with the leap year date of February 29th being the fifth club of the month, the Nine of Clubs.

To get the other half of the answer, you must look at the other end of the year.

December 31st is the Joker, so we start at December 30th, the Ace of Hearts, which only appears once a year. 26 cards later, we have backtracked to December 4th. Backtracking, we have passed every Heart and Club card, so December 4th must be a Diamond. It must be the lowest Diamond, so the second half of the answer is the Four, Three, Two and Ace of Diamonds also appear in all 12 months.

The month’s beginnings start with Men and Odd numbers, then go to Women and Even numbers. The King of Spades is January 1st, the Jack of Spades is Feb 1, the Nine of Spades is March 1st, the Seven of Spades is April 1st, the Five of Spades is May 1st, the Three of Spades is June 1st, and July 1st is the Ace of Spades. The Queen of Diamonds is next at August 1st, the Ten of Diamonds is September 1st, the Eight of Diamonds is October 1st, the Six of Diamonds is November 1st, and the Four of Diamonds is December 1st.

No month starts with a two. Coincidentally, in Hindu tradition, Two is considered an evil number, because it represents duality, as opposed to the Oneness of the Original Creative Spirit. Two is the darkness that represents Shadow of Light, as opposed to the beginning “Let there be Light!”. Perhaps that’s why it’s left in the cold?

Blessings to you, as you continue your search for truth and love. I hope that the information on this site can help you in your time here. Please feel free to share it with anyone!


Where Did Magick Originate?

For early man, religion and magick were inseparable from the world around them, and just about every feature of the land was infused with some sacred significance. Swamps were evil. Every spring, tree, river and mountain was imbued with a spirit, with the unknown hidden behind every rock. With all of this in mind, early man developed magick as a force to combat the evil, and religion to honor the Gods. The origins of magick were derived from necessity rather than desire, and this still holds true today.

Magic is still as primal and as instinctive for man today, as it was then. There are many "histories" of magick, each culture believing its own version to be the one true one. The four major "magickal" cultures are Astro-Babylonian, Egyptian, Greco-Roman, and Christianity- Judaism. The Asrto-Babylonian relied heavily on astrology. This region was also the home of the reformer of the Astro-Babylonian religion, which before 500 BC was primarily polytheistic.

Zarathusta or Zoroaster, was the creator of the dualistic religion, in which Ahrua Mazda, the representative of good and right pitted against Ahriman, the representative of evil. These forces were necessary, according to Zarathusta to keep the universe in balance. Zarathusta was also given the title as the "Father of Magick" because of the Gathas, or verses he had written in the holy book, Zend Awesta.

Egyptian magick and religion were intertwined concepts. The Egyptian Gods were worshipped with magick. The God's and Goddess's very names were words of power. These names or words of power later developed into magickal spells or formulas. The Egyptian priests also served as the magi and kept their knowledge to themselves, passing it on much like the Druids, from master to novice. Greco-Roman magick was heavily influenced by the Egyptian and Hebrew forms of magick. They relied on the pantheon and teachings from other cultures to form their own magickal workings.

Until the advent of Judaism and Christianity, magick and religion were the same thing. The priests, shamans, medicine men were one and the same. The idea of one God was the death knell to magick and those who practiced it. This occurred because man's use of magick was his attempt at becoming one or equal to the Gods. The very nature of one God forbids this. However, the bible is one of the few sources that even discuss the origination of magick.

The bible, Genesis 6, and the Book of Enoch give us a clear picture of the origins of magick. The Book of Enoch states "... and it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them… And angels, children of heaven saw and lusted after them... and all the others together took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one... and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants." This is the first recorded or written reference to the history of magick.

Magick and Science

Many people wonder how magick works. To the non-believer, they say that there is no proof that spells work. And those abilities such as telekinesis are illusionary or product of imagination. They ask us to use scientific means to explain how exactly these spells are supposed to work. The scope of this essay is to explain just that. Atomic AnalysisTo understand the concept of how magick can effect change, one must understand molecular architecture. That is, how things are made at
the atomic level. Everything in nature is made of billions and billions of atoms. Looking to the atomic level, each atom is
comprised of orbiting bands of spinning electrons, and a nucleus containing neutrons and protons. The most simple of atoms is the hydrogen atom, containing one electron and one proton. The mechanics of an atom, where the electrons orbit the nucleus, maintain stability. This means that the electrons are held in orbit, much like the planets of our galaxy are held in orbit around our sun.

When you have a more complex atom, you end up with more electrons, as well as protons. Laws of physics dictates that an atom will always have the same amount of protons as it does electrons. With more electrons orbiting the nucleus, there ends up being multiple bands, otherwise called orbital rings. The inner ring can only have two electrons in orbit, whereas the outer rings can have a maximum of eight. There is an exception to this rule with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ring. There can only be a maximum number of six rings in any atom.

Balance in Nature

In most Earth Religions, we're taught that there exists a balance in nature. And when this balance is removed, forces go to work in an attempt to bring back the balance. We can theorize that rain storms, flooding, or other events of nature are attempts at cleansing the earth. Too much pollution being pumped into the atmosphere could be the trigger for these natural forces to take action. With this concept of balance, we can look at the atom, and see how the acts of balance take effect at the atomic level. An atom must have eight electrons in the outermost ring to maintain stability. Any less, and the atom will become unstable, and a free electron is created. When there are many atoms together that are less than stable, the outermost orbital electrons aren't too sure which atoms they belong to. They can migrate from one atom, to the next, and the next. However, as one electron migrates from an atom, that atom takes on a free electron from yet another atom. This chain goes on in an
endless manner, and serves to demonstrate the idea of balance in nature, where the imbalance is removed by equalizing the electron to proton ratio.

Putting the Atomic Analysis to work

Now that there's an understanding of how electrons can move from one atom to another, we must next understand that all objects in nature are comprised of these atoms, and how these atoms behave. The atom is very small in size, yet have very large space within. An example would be that which I like to borrow from the film "Mind Walk": Take an orange. If you blow the orange up large enough to see it's individual atoms you'd have to blow it up to the size of the earth. The atoms would then be the size of a cherry; all of them tightly packed together. You still couldn't see the nucleus though, because it's even smaller. You could expand an atom to the size of a football, and still you would not see the nucleus. Now, blow the atom up to the size of a small island, and you'd finally see the nucleus, the size of a pebble. If this pebble were at your feet, the nearest electron would be a good walk from you. All that really makes up an atom is very little mass and a whole lot of empty space. With all this space, how can an object seem solid? That's a hard concept to conceive, let alone explain. But it's the pattern, or binding force, which holds things together. Yet at the same time, there's a constant exchange of energies. The free electrons from the
atoms that make me up are shared with the air I breathe, the ground I walk on, and every solid object near me. And yes, they're even shared with other people. Since there are so many atoms in ones body, it could take forever to pass the absorbed electrons onto something else. So you'll end up retaining these electrons for a great deal of time. It's this interaction, or exchange of electrons, of energy, which is the theoretical basis of magick.

All, and The One

Free electrons are shared amongst everything, nothing being left out. Because all matter is comprised of electrons, we can then say that all elements in nature are interconnected. They all co-exist, being linked to one another. This is where the pentagram derives its design. There are five points to the pentacle that comprises the centerpiece of the symbol. Each of the five points represents an element: Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Soul. The circle encompassing the pentacle represents the never-ending circle of life. There is no beginning, no end, only continuance. Since the soul is who we are, the constant exchange with the other elements serves as a symbol that we are all part of one big picture.

Some call this "The All." The Earth is alive with energy, which we share, exchange with, and thusly are a part of. And energy is nothing more than electrons in motion. There is more to the big picture than The All. There is "The One." There was an author who later made a movie out of his books, who created a functional idealism, a religion which many people, including children, accepted. In this religion, there is an all-powerful force that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the whole universe together. George Lucas called this "The Force." And it symbolizes the divinity of Earth Religions. Those who are new to the
path might be gifted with the ability to sense this energy, and most, when doing their first rituals, or as a solitaire practitioner
who calls upon the Goddess, or God, definitely feel the building of this power. It's a sense of excitement, of suspense, of mystery, and urgency all wrapped together, causing that itching, burning feeling very deep within your chest. "The One" has touched you, and you have touched "The One". It is this force that makes up the All, including the Goddess, and God. And who can deny that we all have within us, a part of the Goddess and God. They're made of atoms, the same as us. Okay, Talk about that Magick!

Magick is the act of participation with, and influence of, the energies in nature. We draw upon the properties of colour, scent,
herbs, and the guidance of the Goddess and God. When we conduct ritual, and ask the Goddess or God for a favor, as in a healing spell, or a weather spell, we are attempting to influence the exchange of energies that flow through us, the elements, and the Goddess and God. The energies we stir up are given off as those free electrons, and travel, guided by the forces and the will of the Goddess and God, to the intended target or individual. The saying that everything is nothing more than "Mind over Matter" holds very true. If you sit down, and concentrate on becoming ill, with a temperature, then you will in fact, become ill!

So what would happen if you sat, and concentrated on becoming healthy? Or concentrated on improving your love life? Meditation is used to cleanse the mind, so you can concentrate only on that which you wish to achieve. Candles are used to fix ones gaze, which is a form of meditation, or mild self-hypnosis. When you fix your gaze, all other things surrounding you become less of a mental distraction. The colour chosen for the intended spell, or goal, is chosen not because of that colours
specific magickal property, but rather how we perceive this colour to be. Since magick has been around for a very long time, traditions dictate what colours belong to which specific aspect of life. This sets a standard that everyone follows, and makes the "mental note" much easier to recall. White is one example. We all know that white is used for protection. Green is often used for spells involving money and wealth. If you want to cast a spell to help draw money, you'd concentrate on the flame of the candle, and visualize the money flowing towards you. The colour of green only emphasizes the
concentration that much more, because YOU KNOW that green candles are akin to money, and wealth. It all boils down to the "Mind over Matter" aspect of magick.

Psychometery is the ability to touch an object physically, and tell its history. Take a knife used in a murder. A person who knows how to use this ability can then proceed to describe how the knife was used. How is this possible? Simply put, the negative energies of the killer are imprinted onto the knife. How? The free electron theory explains how the knife was used, because the knife absorbs the killers' negative energies, and the victims free electrons are also imprinted into the knife. As stated earlier, the electrons which the knife absorbed will be retained by the knife for a long period of time, since there is a vast number of atoms that make up any given object, and an even larger number of electrons. Healers are able to cure ailments by merely touching the person, and willing them to health. It takes a special person, who's either been trained, or is able to access this power naturally, to actually do the healing. The healers' energies of kindness, and love, are in effect charging, putting into motion, the electrons within themselves. Upon touch, the energies are transferred to the recipient, and then they go to work. But it does take the work of both the healer and the person being healed. Again, this is because "Mind over Matter" rules, and the receiver can actually will away the healing. The mind is definitely a powerful tool.

Soul-Mating is another example of shared electrons, or magick. Ask anyone who has had the true experience of this, and they can attest to the magickal powers. It only occurs when two people make love so intensely, and intimately, that their two souls touch one another. The energies build, and you can actually feel your soul being pulled on. This is because the two people share a common love, and are deeply interested in pleasing the other. This strong mental desire is the key that creates this intensive exchange of energies between two people.

Physical and mental contact is not the only means of conveying magick. There is the mantra. Buddhists, Hindus, and the Sikh are among several religions that use mantra to induce states of awareness. The idea is to cause vibrations, or frequencies from
within your body, which can induce transcendental states, help with meditation, healing, dreams, and the manipulation of non-physical energies. A frequency is produced when you have an energy that has a periodic variation; the number of cycles per second determines what the frequency will be. Our voices vary in level, and pitch. Thusly, our voices have a range of frequencies. We call it octaves, or label it as tenor, bass, or soprano. It's the same voice that can shatter a crystal glass, if a high enough frequency is sustained. This has to do with the voice exciting the electrons within the crystal glass beyond the point of its electrons bonding properties. It could be hypothesized that a human body, or any other object, could be destroyed, or altered, if only the proper frequency was achieved which could break down the bonding action.

This brings us to the Master Tone. The metaphysical community speculates, and it's taught under the Mantra, that there is one key tone that could bring the end of the universe. While some Mantra Masters will say they have this knowledge, and know what the Master Tone is, there is yet to be proof. There is only speculation. In closing, we all live in a world that's moving with life, and energy that we cannot see. The delicate balance, in which all life hangs in, including this planet, is constantly teetering, swaying, from one side to the other. As balance shifts, and as one side becomes greater, the other compensates. Mother Nature equalizes, repairing damage that we as people cause to our Mother Earth. And looking at life, not as people, nor animal, but rather a collective of energies dependant upon each other, then perhaps we could then live in a universe of perfect peace, and greater understanding about magick, and the life-force which we are all a part of, "The All."