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A Spirit sommoning spell

To create an incense portal for summoning the ancestor spirits from the Otherword, you will need an altar complete with pictures and items to honor them. In a strongly protected circle, place lavendar , cinnamon , and wormwood on the coals. Call out only to benevolent and loving ancestor spirits by saying :

Blood of my blood, you spirits of love
Come from below and from above
Entities loving who wish me well
COme to this circle when I sound the bell

Intone a bell 3x's and welcome the ancestors spirits. Afterwards, ring the bell 7x's to send them back through the portal so you can close the circle.
The Money Tree Spell

You will need:

Green candle anointed w/ pine oil.
Sweet basil (1tbsp of basil in right hand.)
Pine incense (Pass the basil over the altar candles and the green candle and incense 3 times and sprinkle basil around the green candle.)
Green silk pouch
White altar candles anointed w/ sandalwood oil
5 pennies, 4 old, 1 new.
Salt Water
Orange candle annointed w/ basil oil
Pine incense

On a waxing moon, set the altar in the east of your circle. This will need to be left up for a full waxing cycle. You will need easy access to a door. Take a new penny in your hand, Circle the altar deosil (clockwise) and say

"Bring to me what I see By thy power, Hecate,"

Spin rapidly deosil and go outside and toss the new penny in the air. Wherever it lands, bury all 5 pennies, saying:

"I give thee money - Hecate
Return to me prosperity.
I give thee five
Return by three
As I will
So mote it be."

Return to your altar and snuff out the candles. Next week, at the same day and time, return to your altar with your talisman bag and the parchment. Light the orange candle. Visualize money flowing onto the altar. Unearth the coins and bring them to the altar. Wash them in the chalice water to purify them. Pass them through the incense smoke and the fire from the orange candle. Place each coin in the talisman pouch, old coins first. Add nine pieces of rock salt, close the mouth of the talisman pouch and face east and say:

"Bring to me what I see
By thy power Hecate.
Altar power Must it be
Earth and Air
Fire and Sea
Bring to me What I see
By thy power Hecate."

Place the bag inside your clothing and wear it every day for 7 days. Leave it on your altar every night visualizing prosperity. On the 7th day, hide it in the eastern portion of your house.
Money Spell Bottle
Items needed:

5 old pennies
5 dimes
5 quarters (or, five each of three denominations of your country's coin currency, if outside the United States)
5 kernels of dried corn
5 sesame seeds
5 cinnamon sticks
5 cloves
5 whole allspice
5 pecans

Place each item into a thin, tall bottle, such as a spice bottle. Cap it tightly. Shake the bottle with your projective hand for five minutes while chanting these or similar words:

Herbs and silver,
Copper and grain;
Work to increase My money gain.

Place the money spell bottle on a table somewhere in your house. Leave your purse, pocketbook, wallet and/or checkbook near the bottle when at home. Allow money to come into your life.

It is done.
Now , here is another form of loosening someone's evil or cruel enfluence.

One might take a black sock and turn it wrong side out , take a white piece of material and write the person's name on this who is the recipient of your intent.

Now, you would sew this name tag into the heal fo the sock, and turn the sock back right. Then right at the heal where the name tag is sewn , tie a knot in the heal and pull as hard as you can and while doing so , say:

I choke your power
over __________ they/I
are free so let them be
never to rule by enfluence
Your evil is choked here
in my hand
I bind and choke it away
from you
You loose your power ,now
this be true.

be it done.

blessings Lady Edenbolake

Wild Geese of Autumn Spell

I hear their haunting cry before I see them. Looking up, I see the dark V-formation of wild geese in the sky over the hills of the valley. They glide effortlessly across the blue September sky, heading toward the southern horizon. No other creature embodies the restless spirit of autumn. These majestic creatures own the sky. They are the nomads of autumn. Wild geese teach us that our corner of the universe is a very small place. They remind us that we, too, should expand our horizons, mentally and physically. For now I stand, my eyes turned toward the clear September heavens, humbled by the sight of these noble travelers.

By: James Kambos

Prosperity Signature Ritual
By: S. Y. Zenith

Ancient principles of Chinese calligraphic art, ritual, and practice—particularly concerning the upwards and downwards strokes of the brush—can be adapted for modern-day use.

Calligraphy is an artistic form of expression and a science that deals with each person’s individual pen-strokes. This ritual will be especially beneficial for those who write and sign many personal checks but find their bank accounts constantly overdrawn.

Set up a small table with a new pen,
a vase of flowers,
a votive candle, and
a glass of water.

Sit in a comfortable position, then inhale and exhale nine times.

Take a sip of the water and meditate upon fresh beginnings.

Visualize money regularly flowing into your bank account, covering every check you write and also filling your account with surplus cash for incidental expenses. There will even be enough left over to save.

When ready, smell the flowers and pass the pen and paper over the votive candle.

Create a new signature that begins and ends with a firm upwards stroke to draw money luck.

Continue practicing until you are able to use this signature with ease, and then use it for all your money transactions.

Ritual to Honor Loved Ones At Samhain
by Sherry Gilles
October 24, 2000

I use a lovely silver bowl shaped like a shell with wells for three candles built into it. You can use whatever vessels for candles you might have. I put small items in the bowl that remind me of or are from family members that have died.

You need apple or apple blossom incense since this is associated with not only Love, but with Samhain in particular.

You will need a pink candle signifying affection, a yellow candle signifying memories and a white candle, signifying peace.

Place pictures of your family or friends who you want to honor or speak to spiritually on your altar. Purify your candles, releasing any negativity. You can annoint your candles with rose oil signifying love and peace if you choose. You might also choose to carve the symbol of a rune such as Uruz (strength) on them.

Light the candles and say:

M y love for you lives on inside
Your love serves as my spirit's guide
I draw your memories close to me
And remember you most lovingly

Sometimes I talk to you and find
You did not leave me far behind
My friend, my love, my heart, my soul
I bring you close and make us whole

Look closely at the pictures you have assembled. Close your eyes and picture the faces of your loved ones, saying aloud, or thinking inside about what is on your mind, what you want to share.
Do you plan your time for spellwork?
Anne Gendron

Knowing the best time to do spellwork can be just as important as how you do the spell itself. Of course, it's not set in stone that you must do your spell only at the prescribed moment. It's just one more way to add the right sort of energy to your purpose.

Days of the Week:

This is my personal tendency. I find that getting the most appropriate day of the week to be the easiest in my somewhat hectic schedule. Just each day of the week is named for either a planet or a Deity, each day is associated with various areas for spellwork. For example, Friday is linked to the planet Venus, and is the perfect day for spells of a romantic or passionate nature. The link below has a table of the correspondences for the days of the week.

Lunar energy, psychic abilities, dreams, astral work, intuition, family, spirituality(Moon)

Strength, courage, energy, anger, independence, action (Mars)

Creativity, communication, divination, wisdom, addiction, travel (Mercury)

Prosperity, wealth, generosity, legal matters, growth (Jupiter)

Love, pleasure, peace, music, marriage, beauty, passion (Venus)

Banishings, protection, obstacles, the elderly, lost items, freedom (Saturn)

Health, prosperity, power, joy, leadership, individuality, healing, hope (Sun)

Phases of the Moon:

I think more people use the lunar cycles in their spellwork than any other timing strategy.

While I do agree that the moon phases are not as man-made as the 7-day week, I just can't always make my schedule fit to a 21-day lunar cycle. Most people use the main four phases: new moon, waxing, full and waning. Most calendars indicate the moon phases. Doing an outdoor ritual under the full moon can be quite moving, if nothing else.

Phases of the Full Moon 2006

A .. January 14th, 4:48am
B .. February 12th, 11:44pm
C .. March 14th, 6:35pm
D .. April 13th, 12:40am
E .. May 13th, 2:51am
F .. June 11th, 2:03pm
G .. July 10th, 11:01am
H .. August 9th, 6:54am
I ..  September 7th, 2:42pm
J .. October 6th, 11:12pm
K .. November 5th, 7:58am
L .. December 4th, 7:24pm

Planetary Hours:

I've not dabbled in this yet, but I felt I should provide a bit of info on this magickal timetable as well. Calculating the planetary hours of the day is a wee bit more complicated than looking at a calendar and seeing what day it is. Each day is broken down into 24 Hours, with each Hour being ruled by a planet. The chart of hours starts at sunrise, which means it's a little different each day, as the seasons change. You'll need to do a bit more research on the details, but basically it means that certain times of the day are better suited to certain kinds of spells.

Each hour of the day and night is calculated and matched to a certain planet for its influence. The Planetary Hours are based on an ancient astrological system, the Chaldean order of the planets -- Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, then repeating endlessly.

A different planet rules each Planetary Hour of the Planetary Day. The planet that rules the first hour of the day is also the ruler of the whole day and gives the day its name.

Once you know what planet the hour is associated with, you can then associate the properties of that planet to that hour.

Doing your magickal workings within a certain Planetary Hour adds an extra oomph to your spells.


I do like to use seasonal energy in ritual, but it's not all that practical if you have a pressing need, and the right season is 6 months away. Rather than doing spellwork in relation to your immediate circumstances, try to maybe take advantage of the season at hand to work on some underlying aspect of your life.
By: CatandtheCrow

1 green practitioner candle,
1 white "full moon" goddess
3 green rocks,
1 green glass,
1or more green plant(s),
1 fertility goddess symbol,
1 small piece of green paper,
a pen/cil,
patchouli oil,
a cup of water,
and a tbsp. of salt.

1) Anoint candle w/patchouli (or musk). Set up alter as follows:

place Goddess symbol at top center of alter. Place white candle at the left, slightly lower, to be left point of pentacle. Place green candle to the right, in line with white candle. Place the 3 rocks at the two lower points and in front of the Goddess symbol. Place the green glass in the center of the pentacle you have outlined. Put a pinch or two (or 3) in the cup of water, and the rest in the bottom of the green glass.

2) Center, cast your circle, and call the quarters inflecting on how each element can aid you in your request (i.e. - I call forth the
East, Air by name, Upon your winds the seeds of life are sown, I now request your aid in the same, Aloft to the Goddess, make my request known.)

3) Invoke the God/dess inflecting on how each is essential for both fertilization and sustenance of life.

4) State your purpose and reason for wanting to be or become fertile with a new life.

5) Do your actual working. I did this by reciting a fertility request poem to the Goddess, asking her for a "late-life" chance at
motherhood. I wrote my request on the green paper, and envisioned the child and I enjoying each other's company, and that of their older sister. I then burnt the paper in the flame of the green candle and dropped it in the green glass. The salt at the bottom absorbed most of the heat and kept the glass from cracking. I then doused the smoldering request with the salt water from the cup. "From Earth (paper), Sea (salt and water), Fire (flame), and Air (feeding the flame) we all began and shall end."

6) Thank God/dess and turn the request totally over to them.

7)Thank and release the quarters in the opposite direction as called (i.e. - I release to the North, Earth from this rite, With humble gratitude, Your assistance this night.)

8) Open the circle. Grounding may include releasing any extra energy to the plants you invited, the 3 green stones, or cleaning your altar and tools

Moon Magick

The Moon for Witches is the most important heavenly body held within the universe. We continuously call on Her powers for magick ,concerning the Lunar and astral arts. Witches for as long as there has been time, have cast their spells in harmony with her cycles. The Moon seen as the female energy and/or Goddess inspires us to dream of all the possible as she illuminates our way.

She is unceasing and diligent, likened unto Her daughters. Women pass through the changes of life by her cycles. With Her we see ourselves from the "Maiden", fresh and new seeking all life has to give, as "Mother", giving birth to new possibility´s, to the "Crone", carrying the wisdom of life and knowledge. She is seen as a Changing Woman.

"The center within the Wheel of Life is the Moon as She continues on Her never ending course."
EARTH spells should be preformed when the moon is in one of the astrological signs governed by that element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. AIR spells should be performed when the moon is in one of the astrological signs governed by that element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

(http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001) FIRE spells should be performed when the moon is in one of the astrological signs governed by that element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

WATER spells should be performed when the moon is in one of the astrological signs governed by that element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Moon Phase Correspondences

New Moon Magick

New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.

Waxing Moon Magick

From seven to fourteen days after the new moon.The waxing moon is for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health.

Full Moon Magick

From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, divination. Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.

Waning Moon Magick

From three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon.The waning moon is used for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity.

Dark Moon Magick

From ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a time for ridding oneself of bad habits, Binding spells, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.